confusão entre os fiéis um recente comunicado da Conferência de Bispos Católicos de
Filipinas (CBCP) sobre a exortação apostólica Amoris Laetitia do Papa
Francisco, o qual parece sugerir uma aprovação a dar a Comunhão aos divorciados
em nova união “imediatamente”.
Em um comunicado
publicado no dia 9 de abril, assinado pelo presidente da CBCP e Arcebispo de
Lingayen Dagupan, Dom Sócrates Villegas, é solicitado que bispos e sacerdotes
abram “os braços e deem as boas-vindas àqueles que permaneciam fora da Igreja devido a um
sentido de culpa e de vergonha”.
“Quando nossos
irmãos e irmãs que, devido a relações, famílias e vidas quebradas, permanecem
timidamente do lado de fora de nossas igrejas – e de nossas vidas –, inseguros
de que sejam bem-vindos ou não, vamos ao seu encontro, como o Papa nos pede, e
lhes asseguremos que na mesa dos pecadores em que o Senhor Santíssimo se
oferece como alimento para os miseráveis, sempre há espaço”.
“Oh maravilhosa
realidade, que os pobres, os escravos e os humildes devem participar do
Senhor”, escreveu o presidente da conferência episcopal filipina.
“Esta é uma
disposição de misericórdia, uma abertura de coração e espírito que não
necessita nenhuma lei, não espera nenhuma diretriz, nem espera indicações. Pode
e deve acontecer imediatamente”, assinalou Dom Villegas.
Leia abaixo a
mensagem completa do presidente da Conferência de Bispos Católicos de
Filipinas, em inglês:
In the Jubilee of Mercy
Brothers and sisters in Christ:
Following the celebrated Fourteenth Ordinary
Synod on the Family in 2015 convened by the Holy Father and the frank, open,
inspired discussions and exchanges by the attendees and participants, Pope
Francis has issued an apostolic exhortation that he has so felicitously
titled Amoris Laetitia…The Joy of Love. The Holy Father explains
himself best, and so the purpose of this letter is to provide us all with the
proper context within which the letter is to be received, in faith and in joy,
by us all.
Foremost among Pope Francis’ concerns has been
to make the Church a more resplendent image of the Mercy of Father, incarnate
in the Merciful Son. That means that the Church, in her teaching, her
stewardship of goods, her pastoral programs and priorities, her institutions
and practices, even her involvement in secular affairs gets her bearings from
this basic pastoral concern: to manifest more clearly to a world fatigued
from so many forms of cruelty and heartlessness the mercy of God.
The Apostolic Exhortation therefore challenges
pastors and their communities to work for the transformation of families into
seats of mercy, primordial loci for the members of families for the encounter
with the mercy of God. Understandably then, the Exhortation is written
with an awareness of the many challenges, difficulties, even threats to families,
and the different reasons why they sometimes sadly are dysfunctional!
Clearly, the clergy, while, by their charism,
are to inspire the laity and to order the talents, capacities and gifts of the
members of the community in such wise as to be helpful to the apostolate to
families, cannot bring about this renewal of families. Such an endeavor
must be inclusive and dialogical – the members of the families themselves with
none excluded should be agents of transformation, and a new evangelization for
the domestic church!
What will be striking to many – and most
certainly beguiling especially to secular media – is the treatment that the
Exhortation gives to difficult situations: divorce and irregular unions among
them. It should be made clear that the Holy Father does not in any
way depart from the teaching of the Church as contained in the Creeds, the
conciliar documents and in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It is
certainly wrong to maintain the position that Catholic teaching in this respect
has changed. Not that we fear change, but that there are some areas of
Catholic doctrine where stability is of utmost importance.
It is in the treatment of persons that the Pope
wishes to see significant change. Above all, he wants the Church to be
the universal sign of mercy: mercy that does not overlook sin, but that looks
lovingly on the sinner, and prays for him, aids him and embraces him that he
may abandon sin and receive wholeheartedly the grace that is constantly offered
When the Pope therefore asks for more
hospitality, welcome, friendship, even communion and solidarity with divorced
and separated couples, with persons in irregular unions, he is by no means
condoning whatever may be wrong or worse, sinful. He is asking us to be
like the Merciful Redeemer who tells all sinners: “Neither do I condemn you.”
After collective discernment, your bishops will
come up with more concrete guidelines on the implementation of the Apostolic
Exhortation. But mercy cannot wait. Mercy should not
wait. Even now, bishops and priests must open welcoming arms to those who
have kept themselves out of the Church because of a sense of guilt and of
shame. The laity must do no less. When our brothers and sisters
who, because of broken relations, broken families and broken lives, stand
timidly at the doors of our churches – and of our lives – unsure whether they
are welcome or not, let us go out to meet them, as the Pope urges us to, and
assure them that at the table of sinners at which the All-Holy Lord offers himself
as food for the wretched, there is always room. O res mirabilis
manducat Dominum pauper, servus et humilis…O wonderful reality that the poor,
the slave and the lowly should partake of the Lord. This is a
disposition of mercy, an openness of heart and of spirit that needs no law,
awaits no guideline, nor bides on prompting. It can and should happen
At the same time, our parishes and dioceses
should be schools of true Christian love: the love to which the community
arising from the conviction that the Lord was indeed risen bore eloquent
witness to! None was in need. All were attended to with care and with
devotion. When families fail, we must all strike our breasts in
contrition, for every Catholic community, every parish, for every diocese has a
stake in the cohesion, love and constancy of a family.
It is a parish alive, a diocese alive that can
boast not of magnificent infrastructure, tremendous financial resources, not
even numbers, whether of clergy, religious or lay leaders, but that takes
comfort in laetitia amoris…the joy of loving.
From the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the
April 9, 2016
Archbishop of Lingayen Dagupan
President, CBCP
ACI Digital / Com informações: Conferência dos Bispos Católicos das Filipinas
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